TOEFL Question

TOEFL Question, TOEFL Answers
What kinds of questions are found on the TOEFL? 
The majority of the questions on the Computer-Based TOEFL are multiple-choice. Some other types of questions are also on the Computer-Based TOEFL. These questions have special directions on the screen. You will have many examples of them in the Model Tests in this blog. All the questions on the Paper-Based TOEFL are multiple-choice.

How do I answer the test questions?
When you are presented with a multiple-choice question on the Computer-Based TOEFL, read the four possible answers on the screen, point the arrow, and click beside the answer that you choose. The oval will change from white to black. When you are presented with other types of questions, follow the directions on the screen.

To answer test questions on the Paper-Based TOEFL, read the four possible answers in your test book, and mark the corresponding space on the answer sheet.

May I make notes in the test book or on the scratch paper?
There is no test book for the Computer-Based TOEFL. All the questions and the answer options are presented on the computer screen. You may not use the scratch paper for your essay to make notes for any other section of the test.

You are not allowed to make marks in your test book for the Paper-Based TOEFL. You may not underline words or write notes in the margins of the test book. Doing so is considered cheating.

May I change an answer?
On the first two sections of the Computer-Based TOEFL, Listening and Structure, you can change your answer by clicking on the new answer. You can change your answer as many times as you wish until you click on the Confirm Answer button. When you click on Confirm Answer, you move to the next question, and you cannot go back to a previous question. On the third section of the Computer-Based TOEFL, Reading, you can change your answer as many times as you wish. You may go on to the next question and back to the previous questions. The CD-ROM that supplements this book will provide you with practice in choosing and changing answers on the computer screen.

You may erase an answer on the answer sheet of the Paper-Based TOEFL if you do so carefully and completely. Stray pencil marks may cause inaccurate scoring by the test-scoring machine.

If I am not sure of an answer, should I guess?
Try to answer every question on the Computer-Based TOEFL. Your score will be based not only on the difficulty of the questions but also on the number of.questions answered.

If you are not sure of an answer on the Paper-Based TOEFL, you should guess. The number of incorrect answers is not subtracted from your score. Your score is based only on the number of correct answers. Do not mark more than one answer for each question. Do not leave any questions blank on your answer sheet.

How should I guess?
In the first two sections of the Computer-Based TOEFL, Listening and Structure, eliminate the incorrect answers, then guess, but do not use a "guess answer" to finish these sections quickly. You will probably receive a lower score for random guessing. On the third section, Reading, try to manage your time so that you can finish all of the questions. If you have only a minute or two left, try to answer all of the remaining questions. Use a "guess answer." Pace yourself so that you can finish as much of the test as possible. On the first two sections, Listening and Structure, you will be scored based on the number of questions answered, the number of correct answers you have submitted, and the level of difficulty of the questions tbat you have answered. On the third section, Reading, you will be scored on the number of questions you have answered and the number of correct answers you have submitted.

For the Paper-Based TOEFL, first eliminate all the possibilities that you know are NOT correct. Then, if you are almost sure of an answer, guess that one. If you have no idea of the correct answer for a question, choose one letter and use it for your "guess" answer throughout the entireexamination. The "guess answer" is especially useful for finishing a section quickly. If the supervisor tells you to stop working on a section before you have finished it, answer all the remaining questions with the "guess answer."

What should I do if I discover that I have marked my answers incorrectly?
Marking your screen incorrectly on the Computer-Based TOEFL is not possible because the computer
program will present only one question on each screen. If you change your mind after you have confirmed a response on the Listening or Structure sections, the computer will not allow you to return to a previous question on these two sections, and you will not be able to change the answer that you have confirmed. As you see, it is very important to be sure of the answer before you click on Confirm Answer.

Do not panic if you have marked an answer incorrectly on the Paper-Based TOEFL. Notify the supervisor immediately. If you have marked one answer in the wrong space on the answer sheet, the rest of the answers will be out of sequence. Ask for time at the end of the examination to correct the sequence.

The TOEFL test supervisor may or may not allow you to do this. To save time finding the number on the answer sheet that corresponds to the problem you are reading, to avoid mismarking, and to save space on your desk, use your test book as a marker on your answer sheet. As you advance, slide the book down underneath the number of the question that you are marking on the answer sheet.

May I choose the order of the sections on my TOEFL?
You may not choose the order. Listening, Structure, and Reading are tested in that order on both the Computer-Based TOEFL and the Paper-Based TOEFL. The essay is written last. When you have finished with a section, you may not work on any other section of the test.

What if I cannot hear the tape for the Listening Section?
You have your own headset for the Computer-Based TOEFL. Before the Listening Section begins, you will have an opportunity to adjust the volume yourself. Be careful to adjust the volume when you are prompted to do so. If you wait until the test begins, you may not be able to adjust it.
The supervisor for the Paper-Based TOEFL has the responsibility of making sure that everyone is able to hear the tape. If you cannot hear it well, raise your hand and ask the supervisor to adjust the volume.

May I keep my test?
TOEFL Services publishes copies of TOEFL tests and makes them available for purchase. Visit the TOEFL web site for more information. If you try to keep or copy TOEFL tests from your test administration,
the TOEFL Office may take legal action.

What can I do if I do not appear to take the test?
There is a $65 refund for the Computer-Based TOEFL if you cancel your test five business days before
the date of your appointment.
If you do not appear to take the Paper-Based TOEFL test without canceling your appointment, you cannot request a refund. If you cancel your appointment, then you are entitled to a refund of $65. Write to TOEFL Services to make your request. You must contact them within 60 days of the date of the TOEFL administration that you have missed.
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