TOEFL Test Administration

TOEFL test , TOEFL test administration , test administration of TOEFL , administration of TOEFL test
Where are the test centers?
The most recent listing of the test centers for the TOEFL administrations worldwide is found in the current TOEFL Information Bulletin or on the TOEFL web site.

May I change my test center assignment?
You may go to another center on the date printed on your admission ticket, but you may or may not find a seat and test materials available.

What kind of room will be used for the TOEFL?
Rooms used for the Computer-Based TOEFL are small. They are like the study areas in a library or in a language laboratory. Usually only six to fifteen students are at individual computer stations. Each student has a headset.

Rooms used for the Paper-Based TOEFL tend to be large, but they vary greatly from one test site to another. The seats are usually school desks. It is a good idea to wear clothing that allows you to adjust to warm or cold room temperatures.

What should take with me to the examination room?
For the Computer-Based TOEFL, take your appointment confirmation number and your official identification.
Also take the institution and department codes for the schools or agencies to which you will report your scores. These codes can be found in the TOEFL lnformation Bulletin. You will not need a watch because the computer screen has a clock face on it. Books, dictionaries, tape recorders, cellular phones, pagers, highlighters, pens, and notes are not permitted in the examination room. Some centers will have lockers for you to store your possessions but it is really better not to take with you anything that you cannot take into the examination room.

For the Paper-Based TOEFL, take your admission ticket, photo identification form, and official photo identification with you. Taking three sharpened pencils and a watch would be helpful, although most examination rooms will have clocks. Books, dictionaries, tape recorders, cellular phones, pagers, highlighters,
pens, and notes are not permitted in the examination room. Don't forget the institution and department codes for the schools or agencies to which you will report your scores.

What kind of identification is required?
In the United States, only your valid passport will be accepted for admission to the Computer-Based TOEFL examination. In other countries, your valid passport is still the best identification, but if you do not have a passport, you may refer to the TOEFL Information Bulletin for special directions. Your photograph will be taken at the test center and reproduced on all official score reports sent to institutions. Your identification will be checked against the new photograph. In addition, all Computer-Based TOEFL sessions will be videotaped. Be sure to use the same spelling and order of your name on your registration materials or phone registration, the test center log that you will sign when you enter the test area, the forms on the computer screens, and any correspondence that you may have with TOEFL Services, Candidate Services, or other local representatives.

The test center supervisor will not admit you to the Paper-Based TOEFL examination if you do not have official identification. In the United States, only.your valid passport will be accepted. The supervisor will not allow you to enter with an expired passport or a photocopy of your passport. In other countries, your valid passport is still the best identification, but if you do not have a passport, you may refer to the TOEFL Information Bulletin for special directions. Be sure that your photo identification form and your passport picture look like you do on the day of the examination. If not, you may not be admitted to the examination room. Be sure to use the same spelling and order of your name on your registration materials, admission ticket, answer sheet, and any correspondence that you may have with either TOEFL Services or your Regional Registration Center.

Will I sign a confidentiality statement?
Before you begin the Computer-Based or Paper-Based TOEFL, you may be asked to sign a confidentiality statement. You will agree to keep confidential the content of all test questions. The purpose of this procedure is to protect the security of the test.

Where should I sit?
You will be assigned a seat. You may not select your own seat. It is usually better not to sit with friends anyway. If you do, you may find yourself looking at friends instead of concentrating on your test materials. You may even be accused of cheating if you appear to be communicating in some way.

What if I am late?
Report to the test center 30 minutes before the appointment for your TOEFL. You will need a half hour to check in. If you arrive late, you may not be admitted, and your fee may not be refunded.

How long is the testing session of the TOEFL?
The time for the Computer-Based TOEFL will vary, depending on your familiarity with computers. A computer Tutorial is offered at the beginning of the session for those who need some practice using the computer before taking the Computer-Based TOEFL. In general, the Computer-Based TOEFL takes between four hours and four hours and 30 minutes, including the Tutorial. When you finish, you may leave the room quietly.

The total time for the testing session of the Paper-Based TOEFL is three hours. Since the instructions are not included as part of the timed sections, the actual time that you will spend in the examination room will be about three hours and 30 minutes. When you finish, you must sit quietly until the supervisor dismisses the group.

How much time do I have to complete each of the sections?
Work as rapidly as possible without compromising accuracy. Check the Timetable for the TOEFL on page x for an estimate.

Are breaks scheduled during the TOEFL?
A 10-minute break is scheduled during the Computer-Based TOEFL. It usually occurs between the Structure and the Reading Sections.
No breaks are scheduled for the Paper-Based TOEFL.

Is there a place to eat lunch at the test centers?
Some of the testing centers are conveniently located near restaurants, but many, especially the mobile centers, are not. You may want to take a snack with you to eat before or after your test.

How can I complain about a test administration?
If you feel that the test situation was not fair, you have a right to register a complaint by mail or by fax. Within three days of the date of the test, write a letter to Test Administration Services. Their address appears on page 12. If you prefer to send a fax, the fax number is 1-609-771-7500. Mention the date of your test, the city, and the country. Explain why you feel that the test was not fair.
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