Personality Type: INTJ Learning Style in High School

student personality
English: The INTJ loves the teacher who is competent and knows their literature. They would not like a teacher who accepts multiple interpretations of a novel. They want the teacher and class to settle on the best and most accurate interpretation that can survive the INTJ’s analysis and critique. They do not like a teacher who moves from novel to short story to a poem in one lesson plan on a whim. They like an organized, logical review of each assigned reading.

Math: They challenge the teacher because they are quiet and learn privately.
They often avoid group assignments and choose not to volunteer answers.
They will complete math homework almost with resignation because the formulas
do not give them freedom with the outcome. Sometimes they work so
hard in trying to perfect the answers on their take-home precalc exams that
they get down on themselves. Generally, INTJ is comfortable in the math
classroom. This subject utilizes INTJ’s love for analysis. Solving a problems is
like getting to the finish line, an important milestone for this type.

History: This type will challenge the teacher’s position on the Vietnam War.
They like a teacher who will allow them to ask pointed questions. They ask
questions to learn about the subject. They risk being not liked by the teacher
and possibly others in the class because they learn by challenging the views
presented in history classes. A teacher who follows the textbook interpretations
regularly is not their favorite. They like a teacher who presents history
in conceptual frameworks that encourage student insight.

Science: This student finds that teachers who start with the big picture in
chemistry or physics are right up their alley. They are ok with missing a few
of the steps and details because they will fill in the gaps later. Some teachers
may like it when the INTJ challenges a few of their statements. They like a
teacher who moves quickly through the chemistry chapters verbally explaining
and highlighting required concepts for the upcoming AP exam. INTJ has
an inner vision of how chemistry composes the world. The teacher syllabus
must interface with the INTJ’s vision.
Read More : Personality Type: INTJ Learning Style in High School