Personality Type: ENFP Learning Style in High School

high school student personality
English: English is likely to be a favorite subject. This type likes teachers who help them clarify their ideas. They will enjoy just about any novel, short story, or poem the teacher assigns. They really like to have a personal relationship with their teachers. The English teacher is likely to appreciate this type’s quick mind and solid ability to identify human emotions in the literature. As a result, the teacher might encourage participation by this type for help inspiring class discussions and ultimately become a friendly mentor or counselor.

The ENFP will happily offer insightful comments if they actually read the
assignment on time. Typically doing homework at the last minute, they may
drag their feet on actually capturing those insightful comments on a paper.
They are likely to get a B or a C in this subject if the teacher does not help
them out.

Math: This type likes teachers who use humor and variety in the class, but
also stick to the lesson plan and always explain the steps within each problem.
This student gets the overall nature of the formula, but because they miss
the details, the steps must be pointed out to them. This student is a big picture
learner and loves the teacher who can teach with an imagination which
stimulates the class. The teacher who scores big for this type makes time for
informal problem solving and fun during class.

History: Teachers will get the best work from the ENFP if the homework
assignment directly matches the information presented in class. The teacher
who enthusiastically talks about Bismarck and Germany gets their attention
and will get the best work from this type by assigning a paper that follows the
classroom discussion to be turned in within the next few days. The teacher
who speaks about Bismarck in class but changes the topic for homework that
night will discourage this type. Variety in the assignment and extra credit
projects are welcomed by this type.

Science: This student likes teachers who start with the adult insect to explain
the process of metamorphosis in biology. The remaining steps in the
process should have some fun and negotiation. A teacher who allows for a self
designed project will definitely please them. This type likes “minds-on” and
“talking it out” with others rather than solo, pencil and paper, observational
reports. They relate to the spoken word, especially if the teacher has developed
a personal relationship with the class. Short answer, projects and verbal
reports best reveal this type’s knowledge in chemistry versus multiple choice
and fill in the blank.
Read More: Personality Type: ENFP Learning Style in High School