Exam Techniques

exam tips , exam technique , examination tips , examination technique
Finally, the real examinations. . . The way you approach your examinations is very important. It is as important as how well you understand the subject. Some writers of books on examination techniques even claim that these techniques account for up to 50 percent of a student’s performance.

It is hard to put a number to this. But it does happen quite often that students fail, or do badly, even though they know the subjects well. If, by the time you sit for an examination you still do not understand the subject, there is nothing much you can do about it. You deserve to fail. You will benefit from repeating the course and sitting for a re-examination. But if you did not read the instructions carefully and answer the questions in the way that is required, this is a complete waste. You may, in fact, know the subject well. Yet you fail simply because you did not do as instructed.

According to examiners, this happens very often. Whether the student was anxious or careless, it is something that should not happen at all. If you know the subject matter, you deserve to pass. If you know the subject well, you deserve to pass well. But if you do not do as you were told, there is no way the examiner can help you pass or achieve high marks. This is something you can avoid. Be aware of common mistakes. And make sure you do not repeat them.

Here are the list stuff you need prepared;

  • Follow Instructions!
  • Plan Your Time To Answer it
  • Read the Questions Carefully
  • Plan Your Answers
  • Make Your Answers Clear as an opinion or Fact
  • Write Down Clear , Easy Read and Understandable Answers
  • Stay Healthy
  • Eat well
  • Exercise
  • Rest well
  • Relaxation

A Positive Attitude
Adopting a positive attitude may well be the most important piece of advice. Examinations are not intended to make you fail or look stupid. If too many students do badly, it reflects badly on the teachers and examiners. It is not in their interest to make things difficult for you. In fact, they want you to pass and do well!

So do not think of examinations as attempts to make a failure out of you, or as “traps” to catch you if you are careless. The aim is to give you a certificate to show the world that you are a capable person and to make it easier for you to find employment. If you adopt this attitude, you will not feel so stressed out. It takes a certain level of confidence to focus on exercise, sports, recreation and rest during the examination period.

This confidence comes from having worked hard consistently throughout the year or semester, which is what you need to do. If you want to be an excellent student, you need to aim for it — and work towards it — right from the start. In fact, you need to set the Prizedream and work towards it even before the course commences. Of course, there are some people who can do well by studying at the last minute. But they are a very small minority. Are you sure you can be one of them? Do you even want to be like one of them? Sure, it is a great blessing to be gifted with intelligence and talent. And it certainly feels nice to be lucky if you happen to spot the right examination questions.

But how far can you go in life if you keep depending on luck and favourable circumstances? If and when setbacks occur, can you pick yourself up and rise to greater heights? Doing well in examinations is not the end. It is the beginning. You will continue to be tested throughout your life — in your career, relationships and other life’s challenges. More than study and examination techniques, you need life skills. You need to learn how to create your own excellence and success. Sure, a bit of luck along the way would be nice. Good luck!
Read More : Exam Techniques