Personality Type: ESTP Learning Style in High School

English: This type will like literature which emphasizes, describes and is grounded in the physical environment, real things and people. The teacher who assigns reading that is primarily abstract and emotional in its story line will not hold the attention of this student. Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea and readings of Mark Twain are right up their alley.

Homework that emphasizes variety in assignments and subject matter helps them stay engaged with
abstract literature. Their contribution in class discussion is often summarizing or expanding on earlier comments so that the lesson can move forward.
They’re appreciative of the multiple points of view in literature and really
enjoy the films and videos that illustrate the novel they are reading.

Math: The concepts involved in higher maths such as precalc can give this
student pause and possibly stump ESTP who has previously done well in
understanding discrete math and concrete problems. Their typical strength
of collaborating with other students is not often seen in math. High math
requires and rewards mastering the abstract concepts embedded within the
formulas. The math teacher who brings in practical, real world examples of
the math problems will make inroads with this student.

History: History may be the favorite subject of the school day if the teacher
uses project-based activities such as documentaries, pictorial exhibits and
dramatizations that liven up and add variety to this fact-based discipline.

They could be strong contributors in class discussion because their recall of
historical facts is a comparative strength in the typical history class. They find
historical figures to be compelling if the teacher offers study methods that
physically engage their senses. Curiosity is a very real learning tool for this
type. Written assignments will likely avoid the ‘would of, could of, should
of ’ line of reasoning. They prefer instead to prove their understanding of the
subject by revealing a logical thread without unnecessary theory.

Science: This student is likely to prefer the days spent in the lab verses the
days spent in listening to lecture and preparation. They will be comfortable
with lab partner assignments that include three to four students over the typical
two assigned to an experiment because they are often gregarious. They are
likely to be the enthusiastic member of the group and will move the experiment
forward if it stalls, even if it requires a blunt direct comment from them.
They prefer to experiment informally and explore with the least fuss and
muss. The teacher who leans too heavily on book and lecture will garner their
disfavor. Visible, concrete results, often a part of high school sciences, gives
them a chance to excel through active, direct and assertive participation.
Read More : Personality Type: ESTP Learning Style in High School