Personality Type: ESTJ Learning Style in High School

English: Papers will be written clearly in a journalistic style, handed in on time without any wandering sentences. The typical literature studied in the classroom is likely to be somewhat mysterious to them such as Beowulf. Nevertheless, they will persevere and remain on task in reading the entire assigned list of books. They will also give their opinion in class especially if the book blends facts with a good story, like The DaVinci Code, Nickel and Dimed: On Making it in America or detective novels. The teacher who centers a reading list on books like Beloved by Toni Morrison may activate the impatience of this type because the story line is metaphorical. They will not easily suspend their disbelief to move along with a story line that intertwines fantasy with reality.

Math: Where order reigns and the teacher is well prepared and follows a predictable, sequential lesson plan the ESTJ will likely appreciate the class and the teacher. They prefer clarity in explanations of math work. They will
want to be sure that they are right or present themselves well prior to raising
their hands to ask a question or give an answer. Yet they will speak up even
if they are alone in their opinion. They will not feel comfortable revealing a
lack of understanding. They prefer tangible results so ongoing problems with
answers the next day is not their favorite way to learn. They will appreciate
being asked to mentor other students, if requested by the teacher. They
gravitate toward finite math because solving the equations will yield correct
or incorrect answers and their strong observational skills will identify small
mistakes along the way.

History: Since these students are impressed by proven knowledge, history
is likely to make perfect sense to them. This tradition bound type likes the
straight forward, historical records because they are factual events without hypothetical
queries, and history offers fewer opportunities for abstraction than
other subjects in high school. The ESTJ student can sit and learn from a dry
presentation of the topic if it includes concrete examples. Clear expectations
and homework assignments are preferred by this student. Conversely, abstract
or opinionated teachers could possibly energize the student who would
ask for clarification in a respectful and appropriate way. Typically, they will
turn reports in on time, follow through with homework and take a leadership
position in the class.

Science: They tend to like this subject because they are learning something
useful and real to them. Opinions, interpretations and nebulous ideas are
rarely interfaced in the high school science classrooms, so this student is more
comfortable with this quantifiable subject. There is no room for argument
on how mitosis occurs or at what temperature water boils. The ESTJ’s attention
for detail, conscientious approach and willingness to take charge helps
them excel in the lab assignments. They respect the teacher who presents this
subject traditionally, with a syllabus and well organized. They also enjoy being
publicly recognized for good work in the classroom because competence
is an important milestone for them. The teacher who gives this independent
learner the responsibility to lead others will find an enthusiastic student leader
because leadership is an important milestone for them.
Read More: Personality Type: ESTJ Learning Style in High School