Personality Type: ESFJ Learning Style in High School

English: This student will like the teacher who requires a chapter to read in the assigned novel and then follows it with a quiz, all the better if this is done on a weekly schedule that is predictable. The ESFJ does not like teachers who skip around and grade with different methods. They do not appreciate surprise assignments or quizzes. This student’s written reports however, will likely be well prepared and reveal more insight into the material presented in class. If the literature is about values and compassion, their own passion for helping others will shine through because of their own, often deeply held values.

This type will not mind a lecture on the various types of poetic cadence and will take detailed notes.

Math: This ESFJ likes to use graphic calculators because of the step by step sequences. Teachers who use this as a primary tool will be appreciated by this student. Typically very responsible and earnest, this student will remain on task during difficult algebraic explanations. The ESFJ could ask for clarification on behalf of the class. They are going to be a full participant in the classroom and could be very helpful to fellow students who are less willing to acknowledge their confusion. But no matter how far behind the class or an individual student gets, the ESFJ will be socially appropriate and not likely to disrupt
the class or give up.

History: This type will often put forth their ideas in class discussions because
they quickly recognize and appreciate facts. They will be well informed and
freely share that information to help others in the class reach the same conclusions.

They appreciate the teacher who gives them compliments and will do
better when they receive positive comments about their work. Their clarity
of thinking will shine when the teacher keeps the lessons concrete. They like
that practical movement toward the knowledge expected for the coming tests
and quizzes. They do not appreciate abstract, theoretical possibilities that require
making assumptions about history. They will gladly help other students
in the class.

Science: The ESFJ is likely to understand and appreciate the formulas because
they can be demonstrated. In other words, this could be the favorite
subject during the class day. Concrete concepts and application of those ideas
is a favorite activity at which they often excel. Their lab work is very thorough
and their lab grades may improve their overall subject grade. Mastering the
individual concepts of meticulous lab work is their specialty, and they could
earn the highest lab average in the class because of this. They like to work
with their peers in a group in the classroom, preparing for the next day’s lab
Read More: Personality Type: ESFJ Learning Style in High School